Eric Ciaramella

Greg Rubini exposed Eric Ciaramella, the secret “whistleblower” of the Trump Impeachment hoax, on October 11, 2019:

Eric Ciaramella

Between October 11 and October 25, 2019, Greg Rubini published seven Twitter Threads on Eric Ciaramella, with detailed information on that guy.

Ciaramella with Obama

Eric Ciaramella is a CIA Operative, he speaks fluently Russian, Ukrainian and Arabic.
He is proficient also in Georgian and in other Caucasian languages.
Ciaramella attended Yale University, Department of Linguistics, he graduated in 2008.
He worked at the US Embassy in Ukraine with Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs to John Kerry, and with Geoffrey Pyatt, US Ambassador to Ukraine.

Ciaramella with Nuland

In the photo above: Eric Ciaramella in Ukraine in 2014, with Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt.

Ciaramella played a prominent role in the CIA Coup in Ukraine of 2014, together with Victoria Nuland, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and John Brennan, who was the Director of the CIA in 2014.
More on the CIA Coup in Ukraine of 2014 in this article, written by Greg Rubini on Substack in January 2022:
“Joe Biden and the 2014 Coup in Ukraine”

Between 2014 and 2016, Eric Ciaramella flew several times to Ukraine with Joe Biden, on Air Force Two.
In 2015 Ciaramella was detailed by Charles Kupchan from the CIA to the National Security Council. His official title at the National Security Council was: ‘Director for Baltic and Eastern European Affairs’.

This is a list of the people Eric Ciaramella knew personally:

  • Barack Obama
  • Joe Biden
  • John Kerry – Secretary of State
  • Victoria Nuland – State Department
  • Susan Rice – National Security Advisor
  • John Brennan – CIA Director
  • Michael Morell – CIA Deputy Director
  • Gina Haspel – CIA Director from May 2018 to January 2021,
                              CIA Deputy Director from January 2017 to May 2018,
                              CIA Station Chief in London in 2016
  • James Clapper – DNI, Director of National Intelligence
  • Geoffrey Pyatt – US Ambassador to Ukraine

Quite impressive, isn’t it?

In 2017 Eric Ciaramella was retained at the National Security Council in the Trump Administration, and even promoted. His new official title became: “Acting Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs”.
Who retained Ciaramella at the National Security Council in the Trump Administration?
Who promoted him?

It was not the New York Times, it was not the Washington Post:
it was Greg Rubini who revealed the identity of the secret whistleblower of the Trump Impeachment hoax, Eric Ciaramella.

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