Lawsuit vs. Adam Schiff

Lawsuit vs. Adam Schiff Donate

I am suing Adam Schiff for $3.2 Billion, for Violation of my Constitutional Rights, damages, and defamation, and I need your support.

Why I am suing Adam Schiff?
What happened?

I had a powerful Twitter account, @GregRubini, with 72 Million views per month: more than any “journalist” of the New York Times, or the Washington Post.

My Twitter account was suppressed on November 16, 2020:
13 days after the 2020 Elections.
It was not a coincidence.

Documents published by “The Twitter Files” of Elon Musk and Matt Taibbi revealed that it was Congressman Adam Schiff who demanded the Twitter executives to suppress my Twitter account.


I am suing Adam Schiff for $3.2 Billion, for Violation of my Constitutional Rights, damages, and defamation.
To win the lawsuit against Adam Schiff I need talented lawyers.
Talented lawyers are expensive.
They request retainers in the tune of $20,000 to $50,000, and their monthly bills can be in the tens of thousands of dollars per month.
You can support the legal expenses of my lawsuit against Adam Schiff with a donation:

“The Twitter Files” revealed that Adam Schiff sent not one, but two letters to the Twitter executives to have my account axed, and my voice silenced.

The two letters sent by Adam Schiff are not just Violation of my Constitutional Rights: they contain also Defamation. “Qanon Conspiracist” is a derogatory and defamatory term.

This is the first letter sent by Adam Schiff to the Twitter executives, published by “The Twitter Files”:

Lawsuit vs. Adam Schiff, Letter #1

The first letter is dated November 12, 2020:
9 days after the 2020 Elections.

No. It was not a coincidence.

You can see the defamation in the Adam Schiff letter:
I am the author of 4 books in Intelligence and Espionage, including “The Spy Operations on Trump” and “Who is John Brennan: The Dark Secrets”, I am the Instructor in a Course in Intelligence and Espionage, I write high octane articles on Substack, I am the journalist who exposed Eric Ciaramella in October 2019: calling me a “Qanon Conspiracist” is an intolerable insult.

Adam Schiff used that defamatory term with intent and malice:
to force the Twitter executives to suppress my Twitter account.
And indeed, my Twitter account was suppressed on November 16, 2020.
13 days after the 2020 Elections.

The second letter sent by Adam Schiff, 3 days after the first letter:

Lawsuit vs. Adam Schiff, Letter #2

Two letters sent: it seems that Adam Schiff was obsessed with Greg Rubini.

We shall discover why.
It has to do with California.
And with the massive Election Fraud of 2020.

Tucker Carlson

The first letter of Adam Schiff was also shown full screen on a Tucker Carlson show on Fox News:

Tucker Carlson show on Fox News

This added enormously to the damage to my reputation as an author, and as an investigative journalist: after that Tucker Carlson show, millions of people believe that “Greg Rubini is a Qanon Conspiracist”.
In his show on Fox, Tucker Carlson did not say “what Adam Schiff wrote about Greg Rubini is false and defamatory” – as he should have done.
Tucker Carlson did not contact me before that show, either – as he should have done as a professional – to ask me for a comment on the defamatory and insulting Adam Schiff letter, and reporting my comment in his TV show.
Very bad.

I hope this issue with Tucker Carlson can be settled amicably, out of court.
I really like Tucker Carlson, and I appreciate what he is doing.
But the damage is done.
This is de-facto complicity in Defamation, and I am entitled to a public “Correct the Record” by Tucker Carlson, and to a fair compensation for the damages to my reputation as an author, and as investigative journalist, that Tucker has caused in his TV show.

The second letter

Let us now focus on the second letter that Adam Schiff sent to the Twitter executives.
It can be seen that the letter is not a printout from a computer file: it a shot taken with a camera, or an iPhone, from a computer screen. This means that Matt Taibbi was not given access by the Elon Musk lawyers to the original file: why??
And there is no date, no Sender, no Recipients. Why?
In this second letter Adam Schiff mentions the CIA, the FBI, and the Dominion voting machines: isn’t it interesting?

Lawsuit vs. Adam Schiff, Letter #2

The Dominion voting machines are used in 40 of the 58 Counties of California.
What is Adam Schiff trying to hide about his home State, California?

By the way: how did Adam Schiff know that “@Greg Rubini added 20,000 followers in the past month” ?
There is only one possibility: Adam Schiff was spying on me, and someone inside Twitter was granting him access to my private data, including the Twitter Analytics data of my account.
This is a Violation of the Fourth Amendment.
Both by Adam Schiff, both by Twitter.

Therefore, I am suing Adam Schiff for:
– Violation of my First Amendment Rights of Free Speech
– Violation of my Fourth Amendment Rights
– Damages
– Defamation

Adam Schiff

Think about it:
Adam Schiff: a Congressman who deliberately, with malice and intent, Violated the Constitution.

Before taking office, each Congressman gives an Oath to support and defend the Constitution.
Adam Schiff gave that Oath, and then deliberately violated the Constitution, with malice and intent.
How bad that is?

And it is even worse, since Adam Schiff was also the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
The House Intelligence Committee is closely connected with the CIA, FBI, NSA.
And with the NRO, NGA, ODNI: with all the 18 Intelligence Agencies.

Why was Adam Schiff so desperate to have my Twitter account deleted, and my voice silenced?
Because I knew that Trump had won also in California.
And I had published many tweets and Twitter Threads about it, in November 2020.
In those Twitter Threads I had written about the massive Election Fraud in California, which has been going on for decades, since the 1990’s.

Don’t forget: Adam Schiff is a Congressman from California.

And my voice was making an impact: my Twitter account had 72 Million views per month:

Greg Rubini on Twitter: 72 Million views per month

Adam Schiff was very concerned that my tweets and Threads about the Trump victory in California were getting steam, and the two letters that he sent to the Twitter executives show it:
“@Greg Rubini added 20,000 followers in the past month”

By the way: was Adam Schiff acting on his own to have my Twitter account suppressed, or was he acting also on behalf of the DNC and the Biden Cabal?

Why was Adam Schiff mentioning the Eric Ciaramella affair in his two letters to Twitter of November 2020?
It made no sense: the Eric Ciaramella stuff was from one year prior: I had exposed Eric Ciaramella on October 11, 2019:

Eric Ciaramella

So why did Adam Schiff mention the Eric Ciaramella affair in his letters of November 2020?

The answer is obvious: Adam Schiff used the Ciaramella affair as an excuse to have my powerful Twitter account suppressed, and to silence my voice, because I was writing that Trump had won also in California.
And I was the only one writing about it.

Adam Schiff knows very well how massive was the Fraud in California in 2020, and he knows perfectly how badly the Democrats have been cheating in California for decades. Adam Schiff and the Democrats are terrified that the truth about the massive Election Fraud in California comes out in the open.
Probably even the 2018 and 2022 Elections for California Governor of Gavin Newsom were rigged, and the guy is illegitimate: an imposter.

And what about Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Dianne Feinstein, Eric Swalwell, Maxine Waters – and Adam Schiff himself?
They all come from California.
Have they got their seats by cheating, too?

The massive Election Fraud in California opens a can of worms,
with explosive consequences.
And Adam Schiff was very aware of that.

California is the Key

California has 55 Electoral votes.
More than Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, combined.

There has been a Fraud of 4.5 million votes in California, in 2020.
If the truth about the Trump victory in California gets steam, the entire house of cards of lies, fraud and deceptions of the Democrats will crumble:
If Trump won even in California, where he didn’t win?
Adam Schiff, the Biden Cabal and the DNC were desperate to have my voice suppressed.

Do you support the Constitution?
Do you support the Bill of Rights?
Do you support Freedom of Speech?
Do you support Liberty, Justice and the Rule of Law?
Do you want Adam Schiff to be sued to oblivion?

If you do, please consider donating:

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