Election Report #1

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada - Election Report #1

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections in:
– Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia
– Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada

Data, charts, analysis

Election Report #1
by Greg Rubini
File format: PDF
89 pages

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Greg Rubini published a series of 8 Election Reports, which reveal the Real Results of the 2020 Elections.
The Real Results have been found by “Reverse Engineering” the Election Fraud, using the scientific method.

There has been a Fraud of 45 Million votes in the 2020 Elections, Nationwide.
President Trump won by a Landslide.

Election Report #1 reveals the Real Results of the 2020 Elections in:

– Georgia
– Arizona
– Pennsylvania

– Michigan
– Wisconsin
– Nevada

Election Report #1 has extensive data, charts, analysis on each of these 6 States,
detailed information on the voting machines used, and on the percentages of mail-in ballots.

This is the chart of Michigan:
Votes for Trump in Red
Votes for Biden in Blue

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections: the chart of Michigan - Election Report #1

In this chart you can see the injections of hundreds of thousands fake Biden votes, and the sudden spike for Biden in the middle of the night between November 3 and November 4.

You can also see that, before that spike, Trump had a wide advantage over Biden in Michigan.
Indeed, as you will see below, in the evening of November 3 Trump had a large 11% advantage over Biden in Michigan.

The charts of Wisconsin, Georgia and Pennsylvania, that you find in the Election Report, are very similar to the Michigan chart: they show injections of hundreds of thousands fake Biden votes, and sudden spikes for Biden.
Exactly the same pattern, the same modus operandi by the perpetrators of the Election Fraud.


This is the chart of Georgia:

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections: the chart of Georgia

In the Georgia chart you see the same pattern: injections of hundreds of thousands fake Biden votes, and the sudden spike for Biden in the middle of the night.
Exactly as in Michigan and in Wisconsin.

You can also see that, before that spike, Trump had a wide advantage over Biden.
In the evening of November 3, Trump had a large 14% advantage over Biden in Georgia.

There is another gem that the charts reveal, if you look at the curves attentively.
Look at the right half of the Georgia chart, after the spike, where the red and blue curves almost flatten:

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections: the chart of Georgia - zoom

What do you see?
The blue curve (Biden) slowly goes from below the red curve (Trump) to above the red curve.

How can this happen?
How can this happen with such mathematical precision to achieve a “Biden victory”?

I can tell you how:
This can be done only with electronic manipulation:
It can be done only by injecting rigging algorithms in the voting machines and tabulators.
The right half of the Georgia chart has all the hallmarks of electronic manipulation.
It was not just injections of fake Biden ballots.
It was done also by injecting rigging algorithms into the voting machines.

Which are the Voting Machines used in Georgia?
The Dominion Voting Machines.
The Dominion Voting Machines are used in ALL the 159 Counties of Georgia.

The Dominion voting machines are used in 40 of the 58 Counties of California - Election Report #3

The Dominion Voting Machines are used in 28 States, including:
– California, New York State, Illinois
– Washington State, Colorado, Minnesota
– Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin
– New Jersey, Nevada, New Mexico
Other States use the Smartmatic and ES&S Voting Machines, which are the same sh*t as Dominion.

The voting machines of Dominion, ES&S, Smartmatic, Hart control 90% of all the votes in the entire USA.
More about the Voting Machines in Election Report #7 (below in this page).


Do you think the electronic manipulation happened only in Georgia?
Look again at the chart of Michigan:

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections: the chart of Michigan - Election Report #1

Look at the right half of the chart, after the spike for Biden, where the red and blue curves almost flatten:
You find exactly the same pattern as in Georgia: electronic manipulation done with mathematical precision to achieve a (fake) “Biden victory”:

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections: the chart of Michigan - zoom


And you find the same electronic manipulation pattern also in Wisconsin, and in Pennsylvania:

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections: the chart of Pennsylvania - zoom

The charts of Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania prove that the desired results (Biden “victory”) was pre-determined in advance by the Fraud conspirators.
The Election Fraud was pre-planned well in advance, many months before the Election.

Numbers, data and charts tell you a lot about the Election Fraud, if you can read them attentively.

The Fraud was highly sophisticated, it was multifaceted and multidimensional.
This tells you a lot about “Who did it”.
In Election Report #5 we dive in depth in “How They Did It”.

Trump won big

From the charts shown above we know that, in the evening of November 3, Trump had:
– a large 14% advantage over Biden in Georgia,
– a large 11% advantage in Michigan,
– a large 12.4% advantage in Pennsylvania.
These are wide margins. Not close calls.

Was it just Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania?

No, in the evening of November 3, Trump had a large advantage over Biden in many States.
These are the original data of November 3, 2020 (included in the Report):

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections: the data of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin - Election Report #1

Notice the large advantage that Trump had also in Virginia, and in Rhode Island.

Then, during the night between November 3 and November 4, the counting of the votes was stopped.
Hundreds of thousands of fake Biden ballots were brought to the counting centers, and illegally added to the tally. Besides, Trump votes were electronically “switched” to Biden, by injecting rigging codes in the voting machines and tabulators.

This is how the massive Election Fraud transformed the results:
advantage for Trump in Red
margin for Biden in Blue

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections: the data of Virginia of November 4

Exactly the same pattern, in all these States:
Evening of November 3: large advantage for Trump.
November 4, the final results: the Trump advantage “disappears”, and Biden “wins”.

These are the Real Results of the 2020 Elections in Georgia,
found by “Reverse Engineering” the Election Fraud (page taken from Election Report #1):

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections in Georgia

By comparing the numbers in this page, you can see how massive the Election Fraud was.
There has been a Fraud of 830,000 votes in Georgia.

The Fraud of 830,000 votes transformed the large Trump victory in Georgia, with a 17.5% advantage over Joe Biden, into a fake “Biden win”.
This is what is called “Stealing an Election”.
November 2020 was a Coup.
And Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Virginia, Rhode Island are just some of the many, many States where the 2020 Elections were rigged.

You will find much more in the 89 pages of Election Report #1:

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada - Election Report #1

In Election Report #1 you find the Real Results of the 2020 Elections in:
– Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania
– Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada
and detailed data, charts and analysis on each of these States.
To purchase the Report, click “Add to Cart”:

Election Report #1
by Greg Rubini
89 pages
File format: PDF

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The Mission

Since November 2020 I wanted to get to the bottom of the massive Election Fraud,
and I wanted to find out the REAL results of the 2020 Elections.
I felt it was my “mission” to do it.

It took 5 months of hard work and $60,000 from my own pocket to analyze all the data from 17 States, find out the pattern of the Fraud in each State, run the Reverse Engineering process, and find the Real Results of the 2020 Elections in each of the 17 States – and Nationwide.
And then write and publish these 8 Election Reports.
It has been a highly demanding endeavor.

If there is a wealthy Patriot out there, or a billionaire, who wants to cover the expenses of the work I’ve done on the 8 Election Reports, please let me know: I will be more than happy to make all the Election Reports available for free to everyone.
You can write a message in the Donate page.

I began working to find out the Real Results of the Elections on November 6, 2020. I published the Election Reports in August 2021.
Until now I recovered $3,600 from the sales of the Reports, out of the $60,000 I spent.
This means I am still in the red for $56,400.
If you want to make a donation to contribute to the Election Reports expenses, you can do it at the Donate page. Thank you!

It is not just Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada:
massive Election Fraud has been going on in California for decades, since the 1990’s.
California counts for 55 Electoral votes.

The case of California is investigated in detail in Election Report #3 (below).

Massive Election Fraud has been going on for decades also in
New York State, Illinois, Washington State, Oregon, Colorado.

The cases of Illinois, Virginia, Colorado are investigated in Election Report #2
New York State is examined in Election Report #8
Washington State and Oregon are investigated in Election Report #3

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections, Nationwide,
and the Real Electoral College map, are revealed in Election Report #4

More Election Reports:


Election Report #2

The Real Results in:
– Minnesota
– Colorado
– New Mexico
– Virginia
– Illinois

File format: PDF
87 pages

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Read more about Election Report #2


Election Report #3

The Real Results in:
– California
– Washington State
– Oregon

Data, charts, analysis

File format: PDF
110 pages

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Read more about Election Report #3


Election Report #8

The Real Results in:
– New York State
– New Jersey
– Connecticut

Data, charts, analysis

File format: PDF
65 pages

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Read more about Election Report #8



Election Report #4

The Real Results Nationwide
The Real Electoral College map
Data, charts, analysis

Report #4 of 8
123 pages

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Read more about Election Report #4

How they did it


Election Report #5

It was a Coup.
How they did it?
The voting machines,
Mail-in ballots,
The Propaganda Machine,
The Traitors

Report #5 of 8
72 pages

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Election Report #6

The Reverse Engineering process: how the Real Results of the 2020 Elections have been decrypted.

Report #6 of 8
102 pages

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Election Report #7

Analysis of the Voting Machines:
Dominion, ES&S, Smartmatic

Report #7 of 8
85 pages

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There has been a Fraud of 45 Million votes in the 2020 Elections.
President Trump won by a Landslide.

The 2024 Presidential Elections are approaching fast.
Will the Democrats cheat again in 2024?
Yes, they will.
Unless we stop them.

If we do not understand how they rigged the Elections in 2020,
how can we stop them from doing it again in 2024?
These Election Reports are the essential tool to stop the Democrats from rigging the 2024 Elections.
Knowledge is Power.
Knowledge is more precious than Gold.

If you want to support the work that I have done on the Election Reports, you can do so at the Donate page. Thank you!

Lawsuit vs. Adam Schiff

Lawsuit vs Adam Schiff

I am suing Adam Schiff for Violation of my Constitutional Rights (violations of the First and Fourth Amendment), for damages and defamation.

Adam Schiff is an evil individual, vicious and coward.
And this time he is going to pay a heavy price for what he has done.

If you want to know more about the lawsuit against Adam Schiff, you can go to this page: Lawsuit vs. Adam Schiff

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