Election Report #4

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections

The Real Results Nationwide
Data, charts, analysis
The Real Electoral College map of the 2020 Presidential Elections

File format: PDF
123 pages

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They want us to believe this:

The Fake Electoral College map of the 2020 Elections

Is this the truth?
Is this the Real Electoral College Map?

Of course not.

From Election Report #1 we know that Trump won in:

– Pennsylvania
– Arizona
– Georgia

And in:

– Michigan
– Wisconsin
– Nevada

Therefore, this should be the Real Map, right?

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections, Electoral College Map - Election Report #4

From this map, Trump won 311 – 227
But is this the Real Electoral College Map of the 2020 Elections?

Who really won in Virginia?

Who won in Minnesota?
Who really won in Colorado?

And, even more importantly in terms of Electoral votes:
Who really won in California?
Who won in Illinois?

And what about New Jersey?
And New York State?

Which is the Real Electoral College Map of the 2020 Elections?

Elections Report #4 gives the answer.

Election Report #4

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections

The Real Results Nationwide
Data, charts, analysis
The Real Electoral College map of the 2020 Presidential Elections

123 pages
File format: PDF

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More Election Reports:


Election Report #1

The Real Results in:
– Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia
– Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada

File format: PDF
89 pages

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Read more about Election Report #1


Election Report #2

The Real Results in:
– Minnesota
– Colorado
– New Mexico
– Virginia
– Illinois

File format: PDF
87 pages

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Read more about Election Report #2


Election Report #3

The Real Results in:
– California
– Washington State
– Oregon

Data, charts, analysis

File format: PDF
110 pages

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Read more about Election Report #3


Election Report #8

The Real Results in:
– New York State
– New Jersey
– Connecticut

Data, charts, analysis

File format: PDF
65 pages

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Read more about Election Report #8

How they did it


Election Report #5

It was a Coup.
How they did it?
The voting machines,
Mail-in ballots,
The Propaganda Machine,
The Traitors

Report #5 of 8
72 pages

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Election Report #6

The Reverse Engineering process: how the Real Results of the 2020 Elections have been decrypted.

Report #6 of 8
102 pages

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Election Report #7

Analysis of the Voting Machines:
Dominion, ES&S, Smartmatic

Report #7 of 8
85 pages

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There has been a Fraud of 45 Million votes in the 2020 Elections.
President Trump won by a Landslide.

The 2024 Presidential Elections are approaching fast.
Will the Democrats cheat again in 2024?
Yes, they will.
Unless we stop them.

If we do not understand how they rigged the Elections in 2020,
how can we stop them from doing it again in 2024?
These Election Reports are the essential tool to stop the Democrats from rigging the 2024 Elections.
Knowledge is Power.
Knowledge is more precious than Gold.

If you want to support the work that I have done on the Election Reports, you can do so at the Donate page. Thank you!

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