Election Report #8

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections in New York

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections in:
– New York State
– New Jersey
– Connecticut

Data, charts, analysis

File format: PDF
65 pages

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New York State counts for 29 Electoral votes.

After California and Texas, New York is the third largest State in terms of Electoral College votes.
By comparison, Illinois and Pennsylvania have 20 Electoral votes.
Michigan and Georgia have 16 Electoral votes.

People think New York is a “Blue State”, and that’s it.
And nothing can change that.

Is that true?

Not really.
First, New York State is not just Manhattan and New York City.
The state of New York is also Long Island, and Upstate New York, which are more Republican leaning.
By the way: Ronald Reagan won New York State both in 1980, and in 1984.
In 1984 Reagan won New York State with an 8% margin over his Democrat opponent, Walter Mondale.

Second point:
many New Yorkers were not happy at all of the strict lockdowns and draconian Nazi measures imposed by the dictators Andrew Cuomo and De Blasio, with the excuse of the China virus.

New Yorkers were disgusted by the summer riots of the AntiFa and BLM thugs in Manhattan, which destroyed New York City.

Let us read a comment written by one of my followers who lives in the State of New York:

“Many people think that New York State is just New York City. The majority of the State is Red, with a few Democratic strongholds.
New York State was filled with Trump signs and flags, with only a few Biden signs”

The comment continues:

“Cuomo only remains in office by way of cheating.
He is a globalist puppet, put in to destroy New York State.
Andrew Cuomo has kept the state locked, brings in illegals, gives himself raises after raising taxes, taxes, taxes. Oh, and let’s not forget his unlimited Executive Order powers, plus the vaccine passport, now. All after killing thousands of elderly!”

So, it is clear that the real situation on the ground in New York City, and in New York State, is not the one painted by CNN and the New York Times. The people in New York State are furious against Andrew Cuomo and De Blasio, and furious against the Democrat politicians.

I have been told by friends in Manhattan and in Brooklyn that even many democrat voters in Manhattan and in New York City, disgusted by De Blasio and Cuomo, secretly voted for Trump in the 2020 Elections.

The Voting Machines

Which are the voting machines used in New York State?
The Dominion voting machines are used in 52 of the 62 Counties of New York State.

The Dominion voting machines are used in 52 of the 62 Counties of New York State - Election Report #8

The other 10 Counties use the ES&S voting machines, which are the same sh*t as Dominion.
Massive Election Fraud in New York State has been going on for decades.
Since the 1990’s.

The Key Questions

Which are the Real Results of the 2020 Elections in New York State?
And who won in New Jersey?
Who won in Connecticut?

Elections Report #8 gives the answers.

Election Report #8

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections in New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut - Election Report #8

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections in:
– New York State
– New Jersey
– Connecticut

Data, charts, analysis

65 pages
File format: PDF

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