Showing all 11 results

  • Durham Indictments

    16,00 $

    Author: Greg Rubini
    #1 in Organized Crime
    #3 in Intelligence and Espionage
    First Edition: published on August 16, 2020
    Second Edition: published on December 22, 2021
    File format: PDF
    228 pages
    Price: $16.00

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  • Election Report #1

    12,00 $

    The Real Results of the 2020 Elections in:
    – Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia
    – Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada
    Data, charts, analysis

    Author: Greg Rubini
    File format: PDF
    89 pages

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  • Election Report #2

    12,00 $

    The Real Results of the 2020 Elections in:
    – Minnesota
    – Colorado
    – New Mexico
    – Virginia
    – Illinois
    Data, charts, analysis

    Author: Greg Rubini
    File format: PDF
    67 pages

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  • Election Report #3

    15,00 $

    The Real Results in:
    – California
    – Washington State
    – Oregon
    Data, charts, analysis

    File format: PDF
    110 pages

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  • Election Report #4

    15,00 $

    The Real Results Nationwide
    The Real Electoral College map
    Data, charts, analysis

    Report #4 of 8
    123 pages

    Author: Greg Rubini
    File format: PDF
    89 pages

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  • Election Report #5

    15,00 $

    It was a Coup. How they did it?
    The voting machines,
    Mail-in ballots,
    The Propaganda Machine,
    The Traitors

    Report #5 of 8

    Author: Greg Rubini
    File format: PDF
    72 pages

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  • Election Report #6

    15,00 $

    The Reverse Engineering process: how the Real Results of the 2020 Elections have been decrypted.
    Report #6 of 8

    Author: Greg Rubini
    File format: PDF
    102 pages

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  • Election Report #7

    15,00 $

    Analysis of the Voting Machines:
    Dominion, ES&S, Smartmatic
    Report #7 of 8

    Author: Greg Rubini
    File format: PDF
    85 pages

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  • Election Report #8

    12,00 $

    The Real Results of the 2020 Elections in:
    – New York State
    – New Jersey
    – Connecticut
    Data, charts, analysis

    Report #8 of 8

    Author: Greg Rubini
    File format: PDF
    85 pages

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  • The Spy Operations on Trump

    20,00 $

    Author: Greg Rubini
    #3 in Intelligence and Espionage
    #3 in Organized Crime, in the Amazon Bestsellers List
    First Edition: published on May 26, 2020
    Second Edition: published on August 21, 2021
    File format: PDF
    216 pages

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  • Who is John Brennan?

    16,00 $

    Author: Greg Rubini
    #1 in New Releases, Political Intelligence
    #1 in New Releases, Intelligence and Espionage
    #3 in Biographies of Organized Crime
    First Edition: published on July 29, 2020
    Second Edition: published on August 18, 2021
    File format: PDF
    144 pages
    Price: $16.00

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