Election Report #6

Election Report #6 - The Reverse Engineering process - how the Real Results of the 2020 Elections have been decrypted

The Reverse Engineering process:
how the Real Results of the 2020 Elections have been decrypted.

Report #6 of 8

File format: PDF
102 pages

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There has been a Fraud of 45 Million votes in the 2020 Elections.
The Elections have been rigged in at least 22 States.

The data of 17 States have been examined and analyzed in this series of 8 Election Reports.
Report #6 explains the “Reverse Engineering” process: how the Real Results of the 2020 Elections have been decrypted in these 17 States, and Nationwide.

Election Report #6

Election Report #6 - The Reverse Engineering process

102 pages
File format: PDF

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More Election Reports:


Election Report #1

The Real Results in:
– Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia
– Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada

File format: PDF
89 pages

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Read more about Election Report #1


Election Report #2

The Real Results in:
– Minnesota
– Colorado
– New Mexico
– Virginia
– Illinois

File format: PDF
87 pages

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Read more about Election Report #2

The Real Results of the 2020 Elections in California, Washington State, Oregon - Election Report #3  

Election Report #3

The Real Results in:
– California
– Washington State
– Oregon

Data, charts, analysis

File format: PDF
110 pages

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Read more about Election Report #3


Election Report #8

The Real Results in:
– New York State
– New Jersey
– Connecticut

Data, charts, analysis

File format: PDF
65 pages

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The Real Results of the 2020 Elections Nationwide - Election Report #4  

Election Report #4

The Real Results Nationwide
The Real Electoral College map
Data, charts, analysis

Report #4 of 8
123 pages

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Read more about Election Report #4

How they did it


Election Report #5

It was a Coup.
How they did it?
The voting machines,
Mail-in ballots,
The Propaganda Machine,
The Traitors

Report #5 of 8
72 pages

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Election Report #7

Analysis of the Voting Machines:
Dominion, ES&S, Smartmatic

Report #7 of 8
85 pages

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