Election Report #6

Reverse Engineering the 2020 Elections

The Reverse Engineering process:
how the Real Results of the 2020 Elections have been discovered.

Election Report #6
by Greg Rubini
File format: PDF
102 pages

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Link to all the 8 Election Reports: GregRubini.com/reports

The Election Reports

Like many of you Patriots, I always believed that the Elections were fair and secure.
That, until November 4, 2020.
I always believed that Election Fraud was a thing of third world countries, a thing of Banana Republics, not something that could happen in the United States of America.
That, until November 4, 2020.
November 4, 2020, is a day that will live in infamy.
November 4, 2020, was a hard wake up call for all of us.

Since November 2020, I wanted to get to the bottom of the massive Election Fraud,
and I wanted to find out The REAL Results of the 2020 Elections.
It was not an easy task. On the opposite, it has been a demanding endeavor.
It took me 5 months of hard work, and $60,000 from my own pocket.

The work included:
– gathering all the data on 17 States,
– analyze the data,
– investigate how the conspirators implemented the Election Fraud in each of the 17 States,
– find out the pattern of the Fraud in each State,
– note: to find out the pattern of the 2020 Fraud in certain States, I had to gather the data also from a number of previous Elections: 2016, 2012, 2008, 2004.
– for States like California, Illinois, New York State, Washington State, Oregon, I had to go back since the Elections of 1980 and 1984, all the way to 2020, to find out the pattern of the Fraud.

Once I had all the data about the pattern of the Fraud in each State, I did the following:
– I ran the math to “Reverse Engineer” the Election Fraud in each of the 17 States (this process took 67 Excel spreadsheet files),
– decrypted the Real Results of the 2020 Elections in each of the 17 States I analyzed,
– derived from the 17 States data the Real Results Nationwide, in terms of Electoral College Map.

Now (it was May 2021) I had all the data, and I had the Real Results of the 2020 Elections in 17 States, and Nationwide. But I had to organize and compile all the data and information I had gathered in a readable format.
How could I do that?
I had more than 420 pages of data, charts and information. Too much for a book.
So I organized all the data and information in 8 Election Reports, the 8 Election Reports you find on this page.

Then I had another issue:
Where could I publish these 8 Election Reports?
Not on Amazon, for sure!
Amazon would have never allowed anything related to the 2020 Election Fraud to be published on its platform.
Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins would have never published any book or report regarding the 2020 Election Fraud, either. They were all (and are) in the pockets of the Biden cabal.
No Literary Agent would have touched that subject with a ten foot pole.
So I had to organize and build a website where I could safely publish the Election Reports.
Which meant more work to be done, and more money to be spent on my own dime.

As you can understand, doing all this has been a massive and demanding endeavour.
I could have kept all the information for myself, I could have refrained from publishing anything related the 2020 Elections: my life would have been much easier.
But I thought Patriots would want to know The Truth about the 2020 Election Fraud, the biggest and the most shameful Crime in the history of our country.
As I call it in the Election Reports: “The Crime of the Century”.
November 2020 was a full-fledged Coup against the United States of America.
A full-fledged Coup against We The People.

Election Reports

In the Election Reports you find:

Election Report #1 – How they rigged the 2020 Elections in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia;
and in Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada
– and the Real results of the 2020 Elections in these States.

Election Report #2 – How they rigged the 2020 Elections in Virginia, Illinois;
and in Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico
– and the Real results of the 2020 Elections in these States.

Election Report #3 – California and the West Coast: how they rigged the Elections in California, Washington State, Oregon – and the Real results of the 2020 Elections in these States.

Election Report #4 – The Real Results of the 2020 Elections – Nationwide


Election Report #5 – The Coup: How they did it

Election Report #6 – The Reverse Engineering process

Election Report #7 – The Voting Machines: Dominion, ES&S, Smartmatic

Election Report #8 – How they rigged the Elections in New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut
– and the Real results of the 2020 Elections in these States.

Link to all the 8 Election Reports: GregRubini.com/reports

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