Watermark ballots for the 2024 Elections

The big question is: how can we have safe and secure Elections in 2024?

These are the mandatory measures which have to be enforced in ALL 50 States
if we want to have safe and secure Elections in 2024, and beyond:

1.- No Voting Machines. Zero.
      Voting Machines must be outlawed, Nationwide.
2.- No mail-in ballots. Period.
3.- Voter ID mandatory, in all 50 States.
4.- Voting only on Election Day.
5.- Hand-count of the votes. in all 50 States.

And what about the paper ballots?
Which measures must be adopted, to be sure that we will not have fake paper ballots, and that the ballots are 100% authentic, and cannot be counterfeited?

Arizona Representative Mark Finchem provided the solution to have safe and secure ballots.
High tech ballots, which have Watermarks visible only under UV light.
Plus: holographic markers, QR codes, and other high tech solutions.

Watch the video:

These high tech UV Watermarked ballots proposed by Arizona Representative Mark Finchem are secure and cannot be counterfeited. If we want the 2024 Elections to be safe and secure, these Watermarked ballots must be mandated in ALL 50 States.

Election Reports

The Real Results of the 2020 Election in this series of 8 Election Reports:

Watermark Ballots  

Election Report #1

The Real Results in:
– Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia
– Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada

File format: PDF
89 pages

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Read more about Election Report #1


Election Report #2

The Real Results in:
– Minnesota
– Colorado
– New Mexico
– Virginia
– Illinois

File format: PDF
87 pages

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Read more about Election Report #2


Election Report #3

The Real Results in:
– California
– Washington State
– Oregon

Data, charts, analysis

File format: PDF
110 pages

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Read more about Election Report #3


Election Report #8

The Real Results in:
– New York State
– New Jersey
– Connecticut

Data, charts, analysis

File format: PDF
65 pages

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Read more about Election Report #8


Watermark Ballots for 2024  

Election Report #4

The Real Results Nationwide
The Real Electoral College map
Data, charts, analysis

Report #4 of 8
123 pages

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Read more about Election Report #4

How they did it


Election Report #5

It was a Coup.
How they did it?
The voting machines,
Mail-in ballots,
The Propaganda Machine,
The Traitors

Report #5 of 8
72 pages

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Election Report #6

The Reverse Engineering process: how the Real Results of the 2020 Elections have been decrypted.

Report #6 of 8
102 pages

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Election Report #7

Analysis of the Voting Machines:
Dominion, ES&S, Smartmatic

Report #7 of 8
85 pages

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The Mission

Since November 2020 I wanted to get to the bottom of the massive Election Fraud,
and I wanted to find out the REAL results of the 2020 Elections.
I felt it was my “mission” to do it.

It took me 5 months of hard work, and $60,000 from my own pocket, to analyze all the data from 17 States, find out the pattern of the Fraud in each State, run the Reverse Engineering process, and find the Real Results of the 2020 Elections in each of the 17 States – and Nationwide.
And then write and publish these 8 Election Reports.
It has been a highly demanding endeavor.

If there is a wealthy Patriot out there, or a billionaire, who wants to cover the expenses of the work I’ve done on the Election Reports, please let me know: I will be more than happy to make all the Election Reports available for free to everyone.
You can write a message at the Donate page.

I began working to find out the Real Results of the Elections on November 6, 2020. I published the Election Reports in August 2021.
Until now I recovered $3,600 from the sales of the Reports, out of the $60,000 I spent.
This means I am still in the red for $56,400.
If you want to make a donation to contribute to the Election Reports expenses, you can do it at the Donate page. Thank you!

Lawsuit vs. Adam Schiff

Lawsuit vs Adam Schiff

I am suing Adam Schiff for Violation of my Constitutional Rights (violations of the First and Fourth Amendment), for damages and defamation.

Adam Schiff is an evil individual, vicious and coward.
And this time he is going to pay a heavy price for what he has done.

If you want to know more about the lawsuit against Adam Schiff, you can go to this page: Lawsuit vs. Adam Schiff

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